“Salem is not only an incredible opportunity for education, shared responsibility, and experience. Salem is friendship to me.”
Clara, 11th grade.
Clara has been attending Schule Schloss Salem for the past year and a half – as a scholarship recipient. Clara is one of around 130 students currently living and learning at Schule Schloss Salem through the acquisition of a scholarship.
Schule Schloss Salem was founded by Kurt Hahn in 1920 with the conviction that a modern school must take on not only a solid academic education but also educational and character-building tasks.
As part of Salem’s comprehensive program, in addition to the classes of a state-recognized gymnasium, there are also hands-on, artistic, creative, and athletic offerings, social “services,” and student participation in decision-making. More than ever, Salem is convinced that a good boarding school is the ideal form of learning and living for children and young people today.
Link to Schule Schloss Salem: www.schule-schloss-salem.de

“The college year has been one of the best experiences of my life so far.“
Björn, College Year 2016/2017
Salem College is an initiative and part of the globally recognized Schule Schloss Salem. The Salem Kolleg gives the collegiate students in-depth insights into the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences during an orientation year after graduation from high school.
The program, which also includes comprehensive academic and career counseling, is designed for prospective university students with diverse interests who want to take their time to make an informed study choice and engage self-responsibly with complex challenges.
Link to Salem College Year: www.salemkolleg.de
Fundraising/Scholarship Coordination

Ms. Gesa Meyer-Wiefhausen
Phone: +49 7553 919 371
Email: gesa.meyer-wiefhausen@schule-schloss-salem.de
Management of Salem Kolleg

Ms. Claudia Groot
Phone: +49 7553 919-615
Email: claudia.groot@salemkolleg.de
Assistant to the Management:
Ms. Vanessa Romeo
Phone: +49 7553 919-610
Email: vanessa.romeo@salemkolleg.de