Shopping for Salem – For those who enjoy (also) shopping online, it is worth taking a small detour through one of the charity shopping portal pages to actively support the Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung.

For the buyer, almost nothing changes. You shop as usual at your desired online store – with the same conditions and using your personal account settings. The only difference is that instead of directly visiting the shopping site, you go through the corresponding charity page like (Amazon) or (Galeria Kaufhof, Tchibo, Ikea, and many others). Shoppers can choose their supported organization prior to making their purchase. Through this process, 0.5 to 12 percent of the revenue is donated to the Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung.

Doing good with charity shopping is a donation network that many online shops have joined. These shops pay a commission of 4% to 12% when you go through before your next purchase in your favorite shop. Using is free of charge, the shopping itself doesn’t cost a penny more, and you don’t need to register.

This way, you can also help the Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung with your purchases.