Mit Geldauflagen junge Talente fördern

Die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung ist eine gemeinnützige Stiftung mit dem Auftrag talentierten Kindern und Jugendlichen neue Bildungsperspektiven zu eröffnen. Die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung ist Teil des Stifterverbandes – die Gemeinschaftsinitiative von Unternehmen und Stiftungen, die als einzige ganzheitlich in den Bereichen Bildung, Wissenschaft und Innovation berät, vernetzt und fördert.

Geldauflagen und Bußgelder, die Staatsanwaltschaften und Strafgerichte zuweisen, sind für die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung eine wertvolle Unterstützung. Diese Einnahmen tragen dazu bei, großen jungen Talenten neue Perspektiven zu schenken.

Unser Versprechen an Sie

Die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt.

Verwendung der Gelder:
Die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung verwendet Geldauflagen ausschließlich für den in der Satzung vorgesehenen Zweck.

Die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung verpflichtet sich, die zuweisende Behörde über den Eingang bzw. Nichteingang zugewiesener Geldauflagen zügig und damit zeitnah zu informieren. Über die Höhe und Verwendung der Zuweisungen und Zahlungen von Geldauflagen aus dem abgelaufenen Kalenderjahr werden die zuständigen Oberlandesgerichte bzw. die Generalstaatsanwaltschaften zum Jahresanfang unterrichtet.

Die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung verbucht alle Zahlungen, die im Rahmen von Geldauflagen zufließen absolut transparent und auf einer eigenen Buchungsstelle.

Absolute Diskretion über alle Informationen zu den jeweiligen Vorgängen ist für uns selbstverständlich.

Deutsches Stiftungszentrum: Die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung wird in Fragen des Managements professionell vom Deutschen Stiftungszentrum betreut.

Link zum Stifterverband der deutschen Wissenschaft
Link zum Deutschen Stiftungszentrum (DSZ)
Link zur Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung im DSZ

Informationen für Zahlungspflichtige

Ihnen ist von einer Behörde die Auflage gemacht worden, eine Zahlung an die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung zu tätigen? Dann möchten wir Sie bitten, folgende Bankverbindung zu verwenden:

Geldzuweisungen erbeten an:
Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung | Deutsches Stiftungszentrum
DE42 3608 0080 0404 0764 01
Commerzbank AG

Und noch drei wichtige Hinweise

  • Bitte geben Sie als Verwendungszweck immer das Aktenzeichen der zuständigen Behörde an. Nur so können wir korrekt über den Zahlungseingang informieren.
  • Spendenbescheinigungen dürfen wir Ihnen im Rahmen von Geldauflagen nicht ausstellen. Geldauflagen gelten nicht als freiwillige, abzugsfähige Spende.
  • Wenden Sie sich bitte bei Fragen zur Zahlungsfrist oder Ratenzahlung direkt an die zuständige Behörde. Es ist uns nicht erlaubt, eigene Absprachen diesbezüglich zu treffen.

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Wenn Sie Überweisungsträger oder Adressaufkleber wünschen und bei allen weiteren Anfragen, kontaktieren uns gerne.

Franka Bechstein – Stiftungsmanagement Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung

Telefonisch sind wir wie folgt für Sie erreichbar:
Franka Bechstein – Regionalbüro Stuttgart – +49 (0)711 120291 01


Für Strafrichter, Staatsanwälte und Anwälte haben wir spezielles Informationsmaterial vorbereitet. Gerne senden wir Ihnen entsprechende Informationen zu den Listen, auf denen die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung bereits eingetragen ist zu. Auch Material über die Arbeit der Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung senden wir Ihnen gerne zu.

Informationsmaterial können Sie gerne bei uns per E-Mail bestellen.

c Expand All C Collapse All

How can I donate?

We would be delighted if you could get in touch with us. This is possible at any time.
You can reach us personally at:

Dr. Karen Jung
Mobile: +49 173 27 39 477

Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung | German Foundation Centre
Franka Bechstein
Regional Office Stuttgart
Königstrasse 7
DE 70173 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 (0)711 7050-393

Donations should be made to:
Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung | German Foundation Centre
IBAN: DE42 3608 0080 0404 0764 01
Commerzbank AG

For those who wish to make a quick decision, you will find the PayPal button at the top of our website and the online donation form at the bottom of the page.

We look forward to discussing with you all the ways in which you can support the Kurt-Hahn Foundation in a personal conversation.

Thank you very much!

Request Donation Receipt Here

Download Donation Information

We are delighted that you would like to support the Kurt Hahn Foundation with a donation. And the tax office also welcomes your contribution: Your donation to us is tax-deductible. However, in order to do so, it must be proven in your tax return through an appropriate donation receipt.

After a change in the law in 2007, it has become even easier to deduct donations from income tax: For donations to charitable, benevolent, and religious organizations up to a donation amount of 200 EUR (until 2020) and 300 EUR (from 2021) per individual donation, the tax authorities only require a “simplified donation proof.” This means that instead of a donation receipt in an official format, a cash payment receipt, bank booking confirmation, or an online banking statement, along with a receipt from the donation recipient, are sufficient for your tax return. You can obtain a corresponding receipt from the Kurt Hahn Foundation upon request from the office.

If you donate 300 EUR or more to the Kurt Hahn Foundation, a donation receipt in the officially prescribed format is required as proof, which you will receive from our office.

If you are donating 300 EUR or more to the Kurt Hahn Foundation for the first time, it may be necessary for you to provide your address to the office for the issuance of your certificate.

Kurt Hahn Foundation | German Foundation Center
Franka Bechstein
Regional Office Stuttgart
Königstrasse 7
DE 70173 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 (0)711 7050-393

To access the online form to request a donation receipt.

Geldauflagen und Bußgelder, die Staatsanwaltschaften und Strafgerichte zuweisen, sind für die Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung eine wertvolle Unterstützung. Diese Einnahmen tragen dazu bei, großen jungen Talenten neue Perspektiven zu schenken.

Transparent administration

Non-profit status:
The Kurt-Hahn Foundation is recognized as a non-profit organization.

Use of funds:
The Kurt-Hahn Foundation uses monetary penalties exclusively for the purposes outlined in its statutes.

Reporting obligation:
The Kurt-Hahn Foundation commits to promptly informing the allocating authority about the receipt or non-receipt of allocated monetary penalties. At the beginning of each year, the respective higher regional courts or public prosecutor’s offices are informed about the amount and use of allocated and paid monetary penalties from the previous calendar year.

The Kurt-Hahn Foundation keeps transparent records of all payments received within the framework of monetary penalties on a separate account.

German Foundation Center: The Kurt-Hahn Foundation receives professional management support from the German Foundation Center.

Link to the Stifterverband der deutschen Wissenschaft (Association of Donors for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities)
Link to the Deutsches Stiftungszentrum (German Foundation Center)
Link to the Kurt-Hahn Foundation within the DSZ

Information Materials

We have prepared specific information materials for judges, public prosecutors, and lawyers. We would be happy to send you relevant information about the lists on which the Kurt-Hahn Foundation is already registered. We can also provide you with materials about the work of the Kurt-Hahn Foundation.

Please feel free to order information materials by email.

Donations are welcome at:
Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung | Deutsches Stiftungszentrum
Account Number: DE42 3608 0080 0404 0764 01
Commerzbank AG

Thank you very much!

By making a donation to the foundation’s capital, you enable the sustainable financing of scholarships and deserving projects through the generated income.

How can I make an endowment?
You significantly contribute to the long-term security of the foundation’s mission and the strengthening of its objectives by declaring your donation, bequest, or inheritance as an “endowment.”
In this case, the Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung will allocate your contribution to the foundation’s assets. With a growing endowment, the Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung will receive higher returns over time, which can be used operationally for the purpose of the foundation.
Within the scope of endowments, there is also the possibility of establishing a dependent foundation under the umbrella of the Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung. This allows for a tax deduction of a certain amount as a founding allowance.

Link: Stifterverband der deutschen Wissenschaft (Association of German Foundations for Science)
Link: Deutsches Stiftungszentrum (German Foundation Center)

Download Donation Information.

All donations to the foundation are exempt from inheritance and gift tax.

A donation receipt will be sent by mail to all legal entities for each donation amount by the German Foundation Centre. All individuals automatically receive a donation receipt for amounts exceeding 300 EUR. For amounts below 300 EUR, the payment proof serves as confirmation of the donation for submission to the tax office, in accordance with current legal requirements.

How can I support the foundation?
You can support the foundation’s goals in the short, medium, and long term through donations, endowments, legacies, or bequests.

Transfer a defined amount monthly, quarterly, or annually to the Kurt-Hahn Foundation. This helps the foundation increase its annual disbursements for its purpose, especially scholarships.

By donating to the foundation’s capital, you enable sustainable financing of scholarships and deserving projects from the capital gains.

Legacies / Bequests
You can contribute money to the foundation or support its assets by transferring securities and tangible assets. Even beyond your lifetime, you can contribute to providing additional resources for the foundation’s goals through your will. This can be done through inheritance or the establishment of a legacy.
This can be done in the form of a donation or an endowment.
The administration of this testamentary provision can be entrusted to the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany), which has extensive experience in this field.

Link to Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Link to German Foundation Centre

Download donation information

How can I donate?

We are delighted if you get in touch with us. This is possible at any time.
You can reach us personally:

Dr. Karen Jung
Mobile: +49 173 27 39 477

Kurt Hahn Foundation | German Foundation Center
Franka Bechstein
Regional Office Stuttgart
Königstrasse 7
DE 70173 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 (0)711 7050-393

Please send donations to:
Kurt Hahn Foundation | German Foundation Center
IBAN: DE42 3608 0080 0404 0764 01
Commerzbank AG

For those who decide quickly, you will find the PayPal button at the top of our website and the online donation form at the bottom of the page.

We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to discuss all the ways in which you can support the Kurt Hahn Foundation in a personal conversation.

Thank you very much!

Do you want to dedicate your donation to a specific purpose?

Within the framework of the purpose stated in the statutes of the Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung, it is possible to specify the use of your donation. However, this option only applies to endowments.

You can associate your “endowment” in memory of a specific person, giving it their desired name. Alternatively, you can allocate the endowment to a specific purpose, such as “scholarships for children with an immigrant background” or “scholarships for orphans” or similar causes.

An example of such a solution within the Kurt-Hahn- Stiftung is the Heinrich Blendinger Scholarship.

All natural persons will receive a donation receipt starting from an amount of 300 EUR. For amounts below 300 EUR, the proof of payment serves as confirmation* of the donation to be submitted to the tax office. A donation receipt will be sent by mail to all legal entities for any donation amount, regardless of the value, by the German Foundation Center.

If you would like to receive a donation receipt, please contact us:

Kurt Hahn Foundation | German Foundation Center
Franka Bechstein
Regional Office Stuttgart
Königstrasse 7
DE 70173 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 (0)711 7050-393

Access the online form to request a donation receipt.

*Until 2020, the threshold was 200 EUR. Since 2021, this threshold has been raised to 300 EUR.

Where and how is my donation managed?

The funds or assets transferred to the foundation are securely managed and monitored by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany). The German Foundation Centre (Deutsches Stiftungszentrum, DZS) takes care of the administration of the foundations.

For over 60 years, the German Foundation Centre has been providing advice to donors and foundations, assisting in foundation establishment, and managing charitable and philanthropic foundations, including the Kurt-Hahn Foundation.

The German Foundation Centre brings together 3,000 companies, business associations, foundations, and private individuals. Currently, the DZS manages over 660 legal and non-legal foundations with a total endowment of around three billion euros. The nonprofit foundations have approximately 120 million euros at their disposal each year for their charitable purposes.

The Stifterverband is responsible for investing the foundation’s assets and allocating funds according to the decisions of the board. Each year, the financial statements of the foundation are audited by a reputable auditing firm.

Link to Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Link to German Foundation Centre
Link to Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung at the German Foundation Centre

Do I have any tax benefits?

The Kurt-Hahn-Stiftung is a nonprofit organization, therefore tax-exempt, and authorized to issue donation receipts. Your contributions to the foundation will reduce your income tax and church tax payments according to the income tax regulations.

All donations to the foundation are also exempt from inheritance and gift tax.

A donation receipt will be sent by mail to all legal entities for any donation amount by the German Foundation Center. All natural persons will automatically receive a donation receipt starting from an amount of 300 EUR. For amounts below 300 EUR, the proof of payment serves as confirmation of the donation for submission to the tax office in accordance with current legal requirements.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our foundation manager:

Kurt Hahn Foundation | German Foundation Center
Franka Bechstein
Regional Office Stuttgart
Königstrasse 7
DE 70173 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 (0)711 7050-393