Category: Scholarship Application

Anyone who takes pleasure in achievement and possesses exceptional talent in academic or extracurricular areas can apply.

Current students or new students who are interested in continuing their academic journey at Schule Schloss Salem or attending Salem Kolleg after completing their secondary education can apply.

Good grades are a basic requirement for a successful scholarship application, but Salem also expects scholarship recipients to have a special character attitude: a high standard for oneself and the ability to use one’s knowledge and skills for the benefit of others.

The application for a partial scholarship at Schule Schloss Salem is open throughout the year. All talented and dedicated students in grades 5 to 11 can benefit from the partial scholarships offered by the Kurt-Hahn Foundation.

For more information about scholarships and application requirements, please visit:

Please send scholarship applications for Schule Schloss Salem by mail, indicating current grade level, to:

Schule Schloss Salem
Fundraising / Scholarship Department
Ms. Gesa Meyer-Wiefhausen
DE 88682 Salem

Application documents can be found here.

Applications for Salem Kolleg are continuously accepted. Apply now for the academic year 2020/2021 at Salem Kolleg. A total of 48 places are available for the 2020/2021 Kolleg year, which will be awarded during selection days.

Interested individuals can find information and the online application form here:
Further information on application requirements at Salem Kolleg

Contact person:
Campus Salem Kolleg
Claudia Groot
Kurt-Hahn-Str. 1
DE 88662 Überlingen