Students who already attend Schule Schloss Salem can also apply for a scholarship.
The scholarship for our Salem talents is called the Heinrich Blendinger Scholarship.
Dr. Heinrich Blendinger led Schule Schloss Salem from 1934 to 1943 in the spirit of its founders. It was thanks to him that Salem was able to survive with a minimum of compromise until almost the end of National Socialism. A scholarship in his name is intended to show that virtues such as sincerity, political prudence, professional skill and humanity are particularly encouraged at Salem.
The Heinrich Blendinger Scholarship is awarded to children and young people who are already students at Schule Schloss Salem and do not yet have a Salem Scholarship. Applicants are expected to have a good academic record, be particularly involved socially, musically and/or athletically, and be willing and able to assume responsibility at the boarding school. The scholarship will be awarded until the student graduates from high school with a high school diploma or International Baccalaureate, but will be reviewed annually to determine if the student continues to meet the requirements.